India's partition... perhaps the greatest mistake in the collective Muslim experience.

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Reading this while studying in Hyderabad is just unexplainable feelings. Another Banger from Kasurian.

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This is mostly wishful thinking alternate history. You're ignoring the impact of the British and colonialists and most of these characters were irrelevant puppets. Caliph in a Swiss hotel room lol

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Very interesting. Even if it did work, I'm not sure Muslims would eagerly accept a Caliph living under a Hindu-majority Indian state (even if said Caliph had internal autonomy, like a vassal).

As a side note, will you guys cover the Partition too? I've heard some argue that it was a boon for local Muslims, while others argue it was a burden. (If you ask me, it was somewhere between the two, perhaps leaning towards it being a boon.) It'll be a controversial take either way, but it's a pretty big part of modern Islamic history, so you guys might want to cover it.

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